Few things have brought such joy to my life as being out in nature with a camera, and I'd like to share the highlights with you. With birds as my favored subject I have elected to separate them into their own category, and so this photo gallery, which represents the very best of my photography, is split into seven categories:
This portfolio was designed to be viewed on desktop, tablet, and mobile. Desktop and tablet have the option to view images in full screen, with a photo caption overlaid atop the image. This overlay can be removed by shifting the focus to one of the navigational arrows, and can be reapplied by hovering over the image, clicking on the image, or by shifting the focus back to the image using the tab key.
As mobile screens are smaller, that full screen view would be detrimental to the overall user experience, so the captions are listed below their respective images instead. Desktop & tablet users will need to trigger the full screen overlay to view the captions.
Use the link below to take a look!